90 minute Reiki treatment 90 minutes – $125.00 – Offered by Debbie
60 minute Reiki treatment 60 minutes – $80.00 – Offered by Debbie
Absentee Reiki Treatment 30 minutes – $30.00 – Offered by Debbie and Robert

Reiki Treatments and Classes
Reiki means Cosmic Energy or Universal Life Force Energy.
A Reiki treatment takes about an 75 minutes. The client lays down fully clothed on a massage table to receive a hands on treatment. The practitioner then goes through a series of specific hand positions which treats all the major organs of the body with Reiki (a specific type of Qi or energy that flows out of the practitioner’s hands). Reiki is effective in treating both physical and mental conditions and usually leaves the client in a very peaceful state of mind. If there are specific issues the client would like to work on, that is addressed in the treatments as well.
It is recommended that the client schedules 3-4 treatments on consecutive days initially. This will give the body the consistent Reiki it needs to harmonize itself. After the initial treatments, scheduling depends on the person’s condition and their goals. We also offer Distance Reiki sessions.
Reiki Demonstration
Reiki treatments can be performed on a client who is either fully reclined comfortably on a massage table or semi-reclined on a massage chair or recliner. If you have mobility or pain issues, we will accommodate your needs to ensure you are most comfortable for the session. Reiki may be done with a light gentle pressure static touch or the Practitioner’s hands may be a few inches/centimeters above your body at the hand positions with no actual touch or light touch.
Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. The mind may feel calm and your physical body should feel relaxed. Reiki is so relaxing that sometimes clients may fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake.
Benefits of Reiki
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho is the name of the traditional system of applying the Cosmic Energy (Reiki) through light touch for the purpose of improving one’s Mind, Body and Spirit. Benefits of using Reiki include:
- Assists in resolving physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems/issues,
- Provides a peaceful state of mind,
- Promotes a sense of well-being,
- Can resolve physical illness by removing the cause of the disease,
- Safe to use in conjunction with any other modality,
- Can decrease anxiety, stress and pain
- Accelerate healing and assist the body in cleansing toxins
- Balance the flow of subtle energy by releasing blockages
- Help the client contact the ‘healer’ within.
The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75-95% of all visits to doctors are the results of reaction to stress. The effects of unreleased stress can range from minor aches to major health concerns, such as heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, back and neck pain, skin irritations, anxiety, depression, and so on. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress.
Reiki Classes for Patients and Instructors
For those who would like to learn Reiki, we offer classes. We teach all degrees of the traditional form of Reiki: Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and have 20+ years of experience. Contact us to set up a class time that works with your schedule. You can find more information at